/4 Important Things To Know About Lab Diamonds Comparison
Lab Diamonds Comparison

4 Important Things To Know About Lab Diamonds Comparison

Diamonds are one of the most popular gemstones on the market. The hardness and durability make them an excellent choice for jewelry, but they’re also beautiful when used as a decorating element in homes. Diamonds have been around for centuries and have been considered valuable since day one. However, with so many options out there, it can be difficult to know what type of diamond is right for you.

How Diamonds Are Formed

Diamonds are formed under extreme heat and pressure. The process is similar to creating other gemstones, like rubies and sapphires. The only difference is that it takes millions of years for diamond to form.

Differences Between Lab Grown And Natural Diamonds

Lab diamonds Melbourne are created in a lab, while natural diamonds are found in the earth. The fact that they’re grown under controlled conditions makes them very different from natural stones—natural ones have flaws and imperfections, but those made by humans do not have any. Lab-grown diamonds are also more consistent in color and shape than natural ones.

They’re very similar to mined diamonds but usually cheaper because they don’t have the same value as natural gems. The biggest difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds is that the latter are mined from the earth. Natural diamonds have flaws, which means they’re more valuable than man-made versions.

There are many differences between lab diamonds and natural diamonds, but one of the most important is that the former is created under controlled conditions.

Lab diamonds are created in a laboratory under controlled conditions. There are many differences between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds, but one of the most important is that the former is created under controlled conditions. This means that they’re chemically, physically, and optically identical to natural diamonds.

The process starts with a diamond seed–a small piece of carbon placed in a vacuum chamber where it’s subjected to extreme pressure and heat until it reverts back into graphite (the form of carbon found in pencils).

The resulting graphite crystal grows over time as more atoms bond into an interlocking lattice structure known as a diamond crystal matrix. Lab-created diamonds are chemically and structurally identical to natural diamonds. They’re also optically flawless, meaning they have no inclusions or internal flaws (such as cracks).

This is because the process used to create them ensures that all carbon atoms bond perfectly, creating a replica of a natural diamond crystal.

The biggest difference between lab-created diamonds and natural ones is their price. Because they don’t require much time or money to grow, they can be produced at a much lower cost—and therefore sell for less than natural diamonds.


In short, lab diamonds are created under controlled conditions. They’re not mined from the ground like natural diamonds but rather grown in a laboratory environment where experts can control the exact composition of each stone. The result is a product that looks like the real deal but costs much less than its natural counterpart–and this is why so many people choose lab-grown over natural diamonds!